TC7X Snap-on Dex Cable. Attaches to the rear accessory port on the TC7X. Does not provide device charging and can't be used at the same time as other Snap-on accessories. (CBL-TC7X-DEX1-01)

Zebra Technologies

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TC7X Snap-on Dex Cable. Attaches to the rear accessory port on the TC7X. Does not provide device charging and can't be used at the same time as other Snap-on accessories. View full description
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TC7X Snap-on Dex Cable. Attaches to the rear accessory port on the TC7X. Does not provide device charging and can't be used at the same time as other Snap-on accessories.

Attaches to rear accessory port onTC7X

Can't be used at same time as otherSnap-on accessories

Does not provide device charging.

Rev C and higher versions of cable nolonger block view of rear facingcamera.

Works with Zebra's high-end performance products.

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Zebra Technologies